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Reiki Is A Lifestyle

The word “ reiki” is a Japanese word, a compound word of two characters. The first character, “Rei” (on top of symbol), means Spiritual Wisdom. The second character “Ki’ (on bottom) means Life Energy.

The character for ”Rei” has three parts. The top part portrays clouds, meaning the higher consciousness or heaven, the spiritual realm of God. It is from these realms that source the powers of creativity, genius thinking, miracles, and spiritual healing. The middle part (Three squares) represents a person’s body, mind, and spirit. The healer which bridges between heaven and earth. Bringing forth heaven‘s wisdoms, guidance, and healing to the people on earth. The lower part after the squares in the middle represents the earth, portraying layers of soil and stone.

The bottom character “Ki” stands for the non-physical energy that animates all living things. The cross portrays a pot of boiling rice, believe it or not. Along with the rays from the cross, which portrays the essence of the rice emanating in the rising steam. All together means that the non-physical energy which animates a person emanates from him/her when activated.

When these two parts come together Into the symbol you see in front of you. It means that personal life energy is guided by connection with spiritual consciousness/intelligence. When this connection is made and lived, balance and healing result.

If you want to learn more about Reiki, then look up our videos and podcasts from our website or Peace and blessings.



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